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Fire safety:

  • Familiarize yourself with your nearest exit, emergency exits, and the meeting point (refer to emergency plans throughout the building).
  • Keep escape routes, hallways, exits, emergency exits, and stairwells clear of all items.
  • Know the locations of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and phones.

Evacuation procedures:

  • Stay calm and go outside to the meeting point.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • In case of smoke:
    • Keep close to the floor.
    • Follow the wall with the back of your hand against it.
  • Evacuate areas close to the fire first, followed by those on the same floor and then those on floors above the fire.

In case of fire or emergency:

  • Warn other residents.
  • Activate the fire alarm by pressing the button on the red alarm box.
  • In dangerous situations, call emergency number 112.
  • Safely use fire extinguishers without endangering yourself or others.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • Exit the building using fire escape exits.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Follow instructions from firefighters or Resident Assistants.

Emergencies 112
Police 0900-8844
Fire department 0900 0904


Amsterdam's safety:

Amsterdam is listed as one of the top five safest cities worldwide in the 2015 Safe Cities Index. Students also perceive it as a safe place to live.


Take precautions against 'petty crime,' as with any city.

Safety as a mutual effort:

Safety is a collective responsibility. Each individual contributes to building safety by taking daily responsibility.


House Safety:

  • Double lock your room door at all times.
  • Close windows and curtains when you leave.
  • Verify the identity of someone entering from your room.
  • Do not admit individuals who cannot identify as Lieven de Key employees or have not been announced. When in doubt, call us first (020-6214333).
  • Ensure your personal possessions are insured.

Building Safety:

  • Make sure all general doors are locked.
  • Report any malfunction of locks or doors immediately via our website.

Bike Safety:

  • Always lock both the wheel and frame properly and secure it to a bicycle rack.
  • Consider renting a bike as they are insured against theft.