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  • Why is there a UvA/AUAS admin fee?

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) provide a housing service that offers international students an opportunity for one year of housing in Amsterdam. Participating in the housing program is voluntary, but highly recommended to all visiting students. To be eligible for a room through the housing office of the UvA/AUAS, students will have to pay a UvA/AUAS fee. This fee is necessary to cover the extra costs that come with providing international students the advantaged service of an immediate room upon arrival in Amsterdam.


The costs of the housing service has various components: first of all, a large number of rooms, around 3000, have to be reserved and rented for the entire calendar year from Amsterdam’s housing corporations, and various other housing partners. However, during change-overs, cleaning days, and summer, a number of rooms are unoccupied, but do need to be paid for. This loss of rent revenue is covered by the UvA/AUAS fee. Secondly, the housing program has certain running costs which vary from acquiring and paying in-house residential assistants throughout the year, to office costs and (credit card) payment services. Thirdly, the housing fee is required to fund all sorts of incidental costs, such as loss of rent due to illness, insufficient study results, psychological issues of students, determination of programs, early departure of students, etc. Lastly, the UvA/AUAS is constantly seeking new locations and possibilities to house more students in the following academic year. In order to make certain locations (temporarily) suitable for students to live in, some costs in advance are unavoidable (e.g. cleaning, refurnishing, security).

Be aware! – The UvA/AUAS fee is not the same as the administration fee which is charged by the housing corporation.


  • Why is there an administration fee of the Housing Corporation?

Housing corporations Lieven De Key, and other partners require tenants to pay an administration fee when they make their first booking payment to confirm the room offer, for the service and help provided before, during and after the lease period. Assistance is provided in English.

ShortStay tenants rent accommodation for a relatively short period (average 8 months). Therefore, a welcome package with bedding is provided which is included in the administration fee.


  • Why is there a deposit of the Housing Corporation?

We provide furnished rooms for international students, who pay a deposit to Lieven de Key. This deposit is refunded after the lease ended. If the room is left clean, tidy and without damages.