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  • The District of Noord was once limited to the peninsula of Volewijck, where a field with gallows existed until 1795. The Noordhollandsch Canal was built in 1824, which attracted more industrial activity.
  • Noord grew through a process of drainage and filling, becoming popular with shipyards and shipping companies. Heavy industry appeared later, including Fokker (an aircraft manufacturer), Kromhout (a ship engine factory), Shell and others from the chemical industry.
  • Residences were built to house the many laborers, which meant they didn’t have to travel across the IJ every day.
  • Now, the former industrial areas are being transformed into residential and working areas, complete with a range of companies in the creative sectors. Iconic buildings have been built or converted on the banks of the IJ, such as the EYE Filmmuseum and A’DAM Toren, transforming Noord into a fully-fledged part of the city.
  • At the same time, homes, parks and sports facilities are constantly being built and refurbished. The district is home to a mix of locals and international newcomers across a number of different professions.