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Please utilize the form below to deregister from the Municipality when you are leaving the Netherlands. This form will be automatically submitted to City Hall upon completion; there is no need to visit City Hall in person.


Deregistration is in your own interest! The municipality of Amsterdam or Diemen will process your deregistration as of the date you provide, which should coincide with the final day of your stay in your housing or your latest lease date. The deregistration process can be completed in advance.

This form is exclusively for the deregistration of your housing in the Netherlands when you move (back) to an address abroad. 

If you are moving to another address within the Netherlands, you need to register online at the new municipality, and your former address will automatically be changed/deregistered.


The forms below are applicable only when you will no longer stay in the Netherlands.


It is crucial to deregister from the Municipality because:

  • Local tax authorities may charge you longer and impose fines if you are not deregistered on time.
  • The next tenant may encounter difficulties registering at the address.
  • We will retain your deposit until you have successfully deregistered or registered at a new address in the Netherlands.


If you don't have a new address to register yet but will not leave the Netherlands, please contact the Municipality and refer to their website for further assistance. You cannot remain registered at the address you rented with us; a new tenant will arrive and register at the address.


Please pay attention: Make your ID copy safe! 

In order to deregister online via this app, you will need to upload a copy of your ID. Please follow these guidelines for the ID copy:

  • Make a paper copy of your ID and label it with "COPY."
  • Cross out the ID number (City Hall does not need it).
  • Ensure your photo, name, gender, and date of birth remain visible.
  • Optionally, write the date and CITY HALL on the copy as an extra measure.
  • If you encounter difficulties with deregistration, please visit City Hall or phone them.
  • If you don't receive any confirmation of your deregistration within 2 weeks, please check with the Municipality to confirm.


Please adhere to these guidelines when uploading your ID. Your ID will only be sent to City Hall; Lieven de Key does not receive a copy of it. Sending your ID is at your own risk