Local taxes
Local taxes
- The rent you pay to Lieven de Key includes the use of water, electricity and internet. However, it does not include water and waste taxes you might have to pay as a citizen of Amsterdam. The main reason for them not to be included in your rent is because students can apply for a remission/exemption (‘kwijtschelding’ in Dutch).
- Whether you are eligible for such an exemption depends on your financial situation. Please be aware that Lieven de Key will not reimburse any money when your remission request is denied.
Who can expect local tax bills?
- Residents who rent a private room with private or shared facilities. Sometimes also one of the two residents who rents a shared room can receive an invoice.
- The taxes can be requested for (a part of) your lease period or even until after your lease has ended.
- If you are registered for housing allowance, it is important to deregister on time when your lease ends. A confirmation of the deregistration can be used as proof for the local tax bureau (Lieven de Key cannot provide this confirmation!).
Need help?
- For information on your rental breakdown, please create a Lieven de Key account online (see link below).
- For information on different taxes, please contact the City of Amsterdam (Mon-Fri from 9AM till 6PM).
- Use Google (Translate), ask your RA/SC or a Dutch neighbor to help you with tax forms.
Useful links about local taxes and tax exemptions: