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Registration in the Netherlands: Important Information

If you plan to stay in the Netherlands for more than four consecutive months, registering at the municipality is mandatory and can only be done in person.


For your convenience:

During the first arrival weeks, the university has organized specific dates and hours for registration at the municipality without an appointment. Check the details on the university's website (link below).


Arriving at the start of the semester?

  • The university will arrange special registration days for international students in Amsterdam or Diemen, streamlining the process for a quicker BSN number issuance.
  • Avoid making a regular appointment with the municipality, as it may be slow and inefficient. Keep an eye on the university's 'Upon Arrival' pages for announcements of registration days, locations, and required documents.

Arriving during the semester?

If you miss the special registration days, you will need to schedule a regular appointment with the municipality.

  • Contact City Hall Amsterdam - 14 020 (Dutch phones only)
  • Contact City Hall Diemen - (020) 31 44 64


Registering with your municipality and obtaining a 'BSN'


If you plan to reside in the Netherlands for more than four months, regardless of nationality (including EU citizens), registering with your local municipality is mandatory. If you're relocating within the Netherlands, inform your new municipality upon arrival.


Key points to note:

  • Registration aligns with the lease period specified in your official agreement with us, commencing from the start date and concluding at the lease's end.
  • The registration is an in-person process at your local town or city hall, and the presence of all registering family members is required.
  • No registration fees apply.
  • Essential documents for registration include a valid passport or identity card, legalized birth certificate, proof of address, and proof of enrollment at your host university (student ID or enrollment document). If applicable, bring the legalized marriage certificate for accompanying spouses.
  • Upon registration, you receive a Citizen Service Number (BSN), used by government agencies in all correspondence with you.
  • The BRP (Basisregistratie Personen) Amsterdam is situated at the Amsterdam Municipal Registry Office (Dienst Persoons- en Geoinformatie), Amstel 1, 1011 PN Amsterdam. Registration is possible upon securing a rental or purchase contract for accommodation.