Scan the QR code

to view the web app on your mobile device

Phone preview

Follow these steps to connect to the wired internet connection in your room.


  1. Connect your computer with a UTP network cable to the wall outlet in your room. Bring your own or buy your own cable that is suited for your device. De Key does not provide cables!
  2. Boot your computer and go to
  3. You will be prompted to read and agree to the rules of engagement of the internet provider.
  4. Fill out the requested information (you need your tenancy agreement number).
  5. Reboot your computer and you are ready to go.


WiFi in the communal kitchens of all Rode Kruislaan towers

  • Network: Ziggo_ittdesk
  • Password: dekey2019

When a problem occurs, the solution lies in contacting the internet provider directly, not via Lieven De Key.