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DAY TIME: the common room is opened daily between 11AM and 7PM.

  • There are two keyless locks on the common room. The keyless lock on top can only be unlocked by Lieven de Key or RA’s! The keyless lock under the door handle can also be opened with your phone!


EVENINGS: The common room can be reserved on the day itself before 7PM. 

  • To reserve the common room please send an e-mail to the RA's:
  • The common room must be vacated by 11PM and must always be cleaned after use.
  • The person who booked the room is responsible for the proper cleaning and timely closure at 11PM.
  • Please respect the common room regulations. It is not allowed to take any furniture item out of the common room.


[Be aware: when the common room is used incorrectly, Lieven de Key can decide to limit the opening hours or close the room completely!]