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Heating, cooling or hot water in your home
Contact Eteck. Eteck can be reached on working days from 09:00 to 18:00 at 085 - 0218 000. Or send a message via


Internet in the Key Lounge
In the Key Lounge, Lieven de Key facilitates wifi for Stepstone residents. The login codes for the public network can be found in this app. Do you have a question or problem with internet in the Key Lounge? Contact the ITT Desk at 0800 - 411 77 55 or


Clogged drainpipe
Contact RRS at 088 - 013 13 13.


Glass break
Contact Midglas at 0800 - 0207 207.


Lift out of order
Contact Kone Liften at 0900 - 22 555 66, quoting Gustav Mahlerlaan 1962.
