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In general, Amsterdam is a very safe city. Unfortunately, undesirable behaviour (e.g. discrimination, bullying, aggression, exclusion or intimidation) can still occur. Please find below what the options are if one wishes to speak to someone about these experiences, to ask for help in finding a solution and/or to make reports and complaints known.


General information for all students

  • Your own GP or therapist (semester student);
  • Sexual Assault Centre (CSG) or 0800 - 0188;
  • Student counsellor - to be reached via your university
  • The police: if a punishable offence has been committed you can report this to the police;
  • Emergency number, 112, in case of an emergency; if it is not an emergency call 0900 - 8844;
  • Safe Home - help in case of domestic violence or 0800 2000;
  • Jellinek expert on alcohol, drugs and addiction or 088-505 1220;
  • 113, Suicide prevention;

Please note 0800 and 0900 numbers are only accessible for people calling from within the Netherlands.


For UvA Students

  • "Looking out for each other" - Information for UvA students can be found here, and contact information of confidential advisors can be found here. Tip: download the guide as an interactive PDF or check out the PDF below.

For AUAS Students

  • Check this page for information about how and when to contact student counsellors.

For VU Students

  • More information about a safe social setting on the VU Campus can be found here. You can also (anonymously) report inappropriate or worrying behaviour to